The effects of a dysfunctional website
Who has never been annoyed by a webpage which takes too long to display, or even a never-ending time to load. You must know your customers can also be in this situation! Negative effect on your brand image, loss of trust, decrease of your turnover and your trafic… Discover in this computer graphics the consequences of these dysfunctions on your company.
Your customers are running away from you and you don’t know why? Your visitors’ bounce rate goes through the ceiling to your dismay? Your website could be the one to blame! Indeed, perfect web performances are the key to encourage the consumers to stay longer on your webpages and convert them into customers.
You don’t believe us? Here is a computer graphics that explains our saying, supported by evidence!

We told you so! The performances of your website must be perfect.
So, instead of moping around to keep your customers, opt for a proactive approach. To that extent, Monitoring by HTTPCS optimize your web performance and help you to reduce your loading time and response time.