3 Good reasons to raise employees’ awareness on cybersecurity
Educating your employees about cybersecurity is a priority both to protect your employees and reassure your customers. In a world where cyberattacks are more and more prevalent, HTTPCS tells you why you need to educate your employees about cybersecurity.
It’s no longer a myth, cyberattacks are real. Today, digital is an important part of our society. The consequences of a cyber-attack can be disastrous financially and morally. Cybersecurity is becoming a top priority for businesses.
Here are 3 good reasons to make employees aware of cybersecurity:
«Most computer problems
lie between the keyboard and the chair».
Klaus Klages.
1. To better secure you.
Raising the awareness of your family or employees about the protection of your data has become a necessity. Whether for the protection of your personal data, your bank details or confidential files, risks are ubiquitous:
To avoid sabotage:
In the first place, there is sabotage which is defined as computer vandalism. It aims to harm the proper functioning of the computer system by removing data, such as the famous Trojan Horse. In fact, an uninformed employee can easily click on advertisements or go to unsecure sites and thus download malware without even noticing it. These viruses can then have enormous consequences on the economy and the confidentiality of your business.

To avoid phishing and ransomware:
We also have, cybercrime which manifests itself through malicious acts such as phishing or ransomware. The Phishing technique aims to usurp you to access your personal information or your bank details, to make a bad use of it. The Ransomware, meanwhile, uses a program that will paralyze your computer system. Thus, the hacker will ask you to pay a ransom against the decryption key of your data. A non-sensitized employee who responds to a malicious e-mail can therefore affect the confidentiality of the personal data of the company.

To avoid computer espionage:
On the other hand, companies are also targeted by computer espionage. This is a recurring technique that aims to recover your data in the utmost discretion. For example, an untrained employee could leave confidential information on a USB key that he would take home without imagining that he could be stolen.

It is therefore important to communicate to your employees the best practices to adopt to avoid intrusions.
2. To reassure your customers, partners and prospects.
The security of a website or web application is a key factor for your stakeholders.
A prospect who feels confident will want to buy more on a site. A customer who feels safe will have a positive image of your business. Finally, a partner will be reassured to know that your site is secure and that your employees are aware.
By communicating to your stakeholders that your employees are aware of cybersecurity, you are different from your competitors. You make cybersecurity your new competitive advantage.
3. To protect your employees.
An employee who is not aware can cause a lot of damage to computer security. It is the main route of entry for hackers during an attack. A simple email inadvertently opened may cause the closure of the business or create a significant malfunction. It is important to reduce the impact of an intrusion that could be amplified by employees unaware of the dangers and good practices.
Indeed, bad habits would tend to create a “snowball effect” amplifying the impact on the entire company.
By educating your employees about methods, risks and threats, you reduce the impact of an intrusion and more, you allow them to protect themselves in their daily and personal lives as well. By adopting best practices, your employee will feel more alert and avoid unpleasant surprises. He will surely talk about it to his relatives, which will reduce the overall impact of the threats.
By raising the awareness of your employees, there are tens or even hundreds of people who will become cyber-vigilant. The goal is to “block” any pathway to hackers.

« Teach your employees
to become cyber-vigilant! »
For this, HTTPCS has set up training and awareness modules to educate your stakeholders to assimilate good practices in computer security. Each training is also adapted to your sector of activity.
And you, what do you do to make your employees aware?